Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy describes the categories of personal data we process and for what purposes. We are committed to collecting and using such data fairly and in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). This Privacy Policy is effective from 28th September 2019.


We take your privacy seriously and you can find out more here about your privacy rights and how we gather, use and share your personal information – that includes the personal information we hold about you now and the further personal information we might collect about you. How we use your personal information will depend on the products and services we provide to you.

Our Data Protection Officer (DPO) provides help and guidance to ensure we apply the best standards to protecting your personal information. Our DPO can be reached by email at or by post at Data Protection Officer, Bustle Limited, 196 The Boulevard, West Didsbury, M20 2EA if you have any questions about how we use your personal information.

This Privacy Policy provides up to date information about how we use your personal information and will update any previous information we have given you about using your personal information (also referred to as personal data). We will update this Privacy Policy if we make any significant changes affecting how we use your personal information, and if so we will contact you to let you know about the change.

About us

We are what is known as the ‘controller’ of personal information we gather and use. When we say ‘we’ or ‘us’ in this Privacy Policy, we mean Bustle Limited.

Your privacy rights

You have the right to object to how we use your personal information. You also have the right to see what personal information we hold about you. In addition, you can ask us to correct inaccuracies, delete or restrict personal information or to ask for some of your personal information to be provided to someone else. You can make a complaint to us by contacting our Data Protection Officer.

You can also make a complaint to the data protection supervisory authority, the Information Commissioner’s Office at To make enquiries for further information about exercising any of your rights in this Privacy Policy please contact our DPO by post at Data Protection Officer, itData Protection Officer, Bustle Limited, 196 The Boulevard, West Didsbury, M20 2EA or by email on

Your right to object

You can object to our processing of your personal information. Please contact us as noted above, providing details of your objection.

Access to your personal information

You can request access to a copy of your personal information that we hold, along with information on what we personal information we use, why we use it, who we share it with, how long we keep it for and whether has been used for any automated decision making. You can make a request for access free of charge by contacting our Data Protection Officer as noted above. Please make all requests in writing, and provide us with evidence of your identity.

If you have given us your consent to use your personal information, you can withdraw your consent at any time and update your marketing preferences by contacting us.


You can ask us to change or complete any inaccurate or incomplete personal information held about you.


You can ask us to restrict the personal information we use about you where you have asked for it to be erased or where you have objected to our use of it.

How to make a complaint

You can make a complaint about how we have used your personal information to us, by contacting us via the details on our website on, or to a supervisory authority – for the UK this is the Information Commissioners Office at We will not make any charge for responding to any request from you to exercise your privacy rights, and we will respond to your requests in accordance with our obligations under data protection law.

What kinds of personal information we use

We use a variety of personal information depending on the services we deliver to you. To become a member, we need to use your email address and date of birth.

Sometimes where we ask for your personal information needed to enter into a contract with you or to meet a legal obligation – we will not be able provide all our services to you with that personal information.

To purchase through us, we will need to collect payment details from you.

How we gather your personal information

We obtain personal information directly from you when you join our site.

How we use your personal information

To operate and administer our services, including dealing with your complaints and fixing our mistakes, we will use:

  • Your contact details. We might share this information with our partners to help us deliver our services, such as bookings. We use your information in this way because it is necessary to perform our contract with you and to meet our legal obligations.

To administer payments to and from you we will use:

  • Your contact details and payment details. We may give this information to our third party payment providers to process the payment to you.

To carry out market research and analysis to develop and improve our services we will use:

  • Information about the services you have purchased
  • Personal information you have provided such as postcode, age, gender

To market services to you from us we will use:

  • The contact details you have provided to us
  • Information we have gathered from your use of our services

We will never provide third parties with your data to directly market to you.

We only use your personal information where that is permitted by the laws that protect your privacy rights. We only use personal information where:

  • It is fair to use the personal information in our interests or someone else’s interests, where there is no disadvantage to you – this can include where it is in our interests to contact you about services, market to you, or collaborate with others to improve our services and/or;
  • We need to use the information to perform a contract with you;
  • We have your consent (where consent is needed)

Where we have your consent, you have the right to withdraw it. We will let you know how to do that at the time we gather your consent.

Sharing and transferring personal information

We share personal information with our suppliers and other third parties where needed to provide you with the best services. We also share personal information with regulators and payment processors.

In normal processing we will only share your name (if you have provided it to us) with our partners.

If we ever need to share more than that, we will only do so after gaining your explicit consent. This information is used to confirm a booking, for competitions and for processing refunds/returns.

Sometimes we may need to transfer personal information outside the UK for these purposes, and we will only do so where suitable protection is in place.

How long we keep your personal information

How long we keep your personal information depends on the services we deliver to you. We will never retain your personal information for any longer than is necessary for the purposes we need to use it for.

  • Transaction data. We will keep for 6 years from the transaction date
  • Contact information.

Keeping you up to date

We will communicate with you about services we are delivering using any contact details you have given us – for example by post, email, social media and notifications on our app or website

Where you have given us consent to receive marketing, you can withdraw consent and update your marketing preferences by signing in to your account or calling us directly. You can also email our Data Protection Officer on

Your online activities

We use cookies to track your use of our website We may use cookies to provide tailored marketing messages when you are logged in to our website, if you have given us consent.

You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing your data at any time. There are several options available to you, detailed below:

  • Remain a member, reduce/stop emails to you. You can change your marketing preferences at any point by clicking unsubscribe on the emails we send.
  • Request removal of your details. You can request we remove your details from our systems, at any point – by emailing us at

Cookies. What are they and how we use them?

Like most sites, we use small text files called cookies to allow you to shop with us and to help us improve your experience.

A cookie is a small text file that your browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc) downloads in much the same way as it displays images and video. The cookie allows us to remember certain things about your visit, such as: if you’ve signed in, what’s in your shopping basket and so forth.

When you visit a page in your browser the cookies from that site are sent back to the server to allow it to change its response accordingly. The information held in a cookie cannot be sent to any site other than its original source.

In visiting a page on your browser may store the following types of cookie:

Essential cookies
As an online shopping site, we require cookies to be enabled on your browser in order to securely conduct your purchase and show you details of past purchases. These essential cookies are also used to record that you are signed in and details of any recent error messages that you may need to be shown.

Anonymous analytic cookies
In order to improve our services and monitor for problems, we use anonymous analytic cookies to follow visitors on our site.

These cookies tell us if you’ve visited our site before, what pages on our site you’ve seen and if you have taken certain actions (signing in, purchasing an item, etc). The information held by this system is anonymous and cannot identify an individual user.

Third party social network cookies
To allow you to share pages with your social networks more easily some pages of our site include content from sites such as Facebook and Twitter. These social “buttons” may use cookies to facilitate your interaction with their sites and to track the performance of the buttons. The data held by these cookies is entirely invisible to Bustle Limited and are never shared with our site.

How you can turn cookies on or off?

Most modern browsers will allow you to control which cookies you want to accept for any particular website. Although the exact mechanism will vary between browsers you will usually find a “cookies” or “privacy” section under the “Help” menu of your browser’s toolbar.

For more information on how your browser can help you filter cookies, please refer to the user guide.

More information about cookies, including how to block them or delete them, can be found at